
1375 статей

Григорий Поташенко, историк, Вильнюсский университет

До 1 января 2022 года израильский Национальный институт памяти мучеников и героев Катастрофы европейского еврейства (Яд Вашем) присвоил 924 гражданам Литвы почетное звание Праведников народов мира Righteous Among the Nations Lithuania 2022). Признанные получают именную медаль и Почетную грамоту, а и...

Justina Vaišvilaitė-Braziulienė

A pre-trial investigation into alleged misappropriation of around EUR 30 million from the BaltCap Infrastructure Fund is of very large scope, prompting officials to refrain from making any initial conclusions, says the Financial Crime Investigation Service (FNTT).

Justina Vaišvilaitė-Braziulienė

The Delfi news website on Thursday evening handed out its annual Titans awards in a ceremony at the Energy and Technology Museum in Vilnius, honouring the people who made the biggest difference in the past year.

Justina Vaišvilaitė-Braziulienė

The Lithuanian Road Administration is changing its name to Via Lietuva. The change has already been approved by the company’s Board of Directors and its shareholder, the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The new name was officially registered with the Centre of Registers earlier this week.

Витаутас Будзинаускаc

Самая большая средняя зарплата в декабре 2023 года в Литве составила больше 100 000 евро, а больше 10 000 евро "на бумаге" в среднем своим работникам выплатили около 100 компаний, таковы данные Фонда социального страхования ("Содры"). В первую пятерку вошли компании, занимающиеся рекламой, производс...

On Monday, 5 February, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė attended the opening ceremony of the military base in Rokantiškės, just east of Vilnius. In her welcoming speech, she highlighted the substantial investments, nearly half a billion euros, made in the past few years for the infrastructure, stated...

The unemployment rate stood at 7.4% in Lithuania in the fourth quarter of 2023, up by 1.2% from the quarter before, reports the State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania), citing the data of the Labour Force Survey.