European Parliament

308 статей

The European Parliament voted on Wednesday in favour of the European Union’s accession to the Istanbul Convention aimed to prevent and combat violence against women, and called on the remaining six EU countries, including Lithuania, to ratify the international human rights treaty 'without delay.'

Daiva Žeimytė-Bilienė, laida „Iš esmės“, parengė Virginija Spurytė

Influential German politicians have acknowledged that the war in Ukraine, which has been going for over a year now, finally made them understand Russia and the threat it poses, and now they are ready to help Ukraine expeditiously. “Now, no one can blame us for being slow,” the guests said.

Ксения Эггерт

Депутаты Европейского парламента в январе обсудили ряд ключевых вопросов, связанных с войной России против Украины и безопасностью Европейского союза. Среди прочего европарламентарии призвали упростить процесс принятия решений в Совете ЕС – перейти от принципа единогласия к принципу большинства при ...